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Set For Life: How Do I Get Where I Want To Be Financially?

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set for life 7 step process interview.jpg

Nick Sapienza, Investment Advisor Representative with Ritholtz Wealth Management, stopped by News15 at Noon to continue our introduction to finance series. In part 3, Nick breaks down an easy way to map out how you can get to your finance goals. Nick Sapienza, Investment Advisor Representative with Ritholtz Wealth Management, stopped by News15 at Noon to continue our introduction to finance series. In part 3, Nick breaks down an easy way to map out how you can get to your finance goals.

Nick Sapienza, Investment Advisor Representative with Ritholtz Wealth Management, stopped by News15 at Noon to continue our introduction to finance series. In part 3, Nick breaks down an easy way to map out how you can get to your finance goals.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are those of the panelist and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Ritholtz Wealth Management, LLC. Examples of analysis performed within this broadcast are only examples. Assumptions made within the analysis are not reflective of the position of Ritholtz Wealth Management, LLC.

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